
I’m here to share some good news. My story, “Tilt-A-Whirl,” has been published in issue 12 of Tahoma Literary Review. How many of us have been to an amusement park? Do you remember the Tilt-A-Whirl? You know, that ride that whips you around and around, your body being pulled one way, your head, and brain, being pulled the other. For some reason, I used to love that vertigo-like feeling as a kid, but that was long before my brain injury. Now, forget it; I’ll take a ticket for the merry-go-round.

If you haven’t had the woozy, though weirdly fun, experience of riding on a Tilt-A-Whirl, then you’re in for a good time: “Tilt-A-Whirl” it invites you, my dear readers, into the dizzying yet sometimes comical life of a traumatic brain injury survivor (me), providing a zoomed-in snapshot of the inner workings of a brain re-wired by trauma. You get to travel along with me as I navigate my way through an afternoon of shopping. (I bet you can’t wait!) While “Tilt-A-Whirl” highlights my own, brain-drain experience, the story is far reaching. Even if you don’t have a brain injury, you may find that you have similar every-day experiences, though with different perspectives, to share. So, all you have to do is click here, and pay a nominal fee of $10.99 for a hard copy; $2.59 for digital (includes 28 other fantabulous literary perspectives on many of today’s social issues). Then buckle up, and enjoy the ride!

If you feel at all light-headed, no worries, it will pass, I promise.

And, please, feel free to invite a friend, or two or three, to ride/read along with you.

Again, enjoy the ride!



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